
This section contains tutorials showing how to use the different VCA filters. These tutorials can be found within the GitHub NUBOMEDIA organization. By default, this demos use a local Kurento Media Server with the proper filter installed. The available tutorials are the following:

  • Ear detector. This web application consists on a WebRTC video communication with a ear detector filter.
  • Eye detector. This web application consists on a WebRTC video communication with a eye detector filter.
  • Face detector. This web application consists on a WebRTC video communication with a face detector filter.
  • Face profile. This web application consists on a pipeline composed by a WebRTC video communication with face, mouth, nose and eye detector filter.
  • Mouth detector. This web application consists on a WebRTC video communication with a mouth detector filter.
  • Nose detector. This web application consists on a WebRTC video communication with a nose detector filter.