Developer guide

On this section, we will see the different APIs to use every single filter. As it was explained on introduction, the following filters are available to use in the NUBOMEDIA platform: face detector, mouth detector, nose detector, eye detector, ear detector and tracker filter. From a developer point of view, these filters can be used in two scenarios:

1. Using your own instance of Kurento Media Server with the proper filter installed. If this is your case, please take a look to the installation guide for further information about filter installation.

2. Using the NUBOMEDIA PaaS to host your application. If this is your case, you don’t need to worry about the filter installation since the platform has these filters installed out of the box.

In any case, you need to use the proper Java dependency in your application. To add this dependency, first you need to include the following directive in your pom.xml (this part is a must to locate the NUBOMEDIA-VCA Maven artifacts):

      <name>Kurento Repository</name>

Then, you will be able to add the proper NUBOMEDIA-VCA Maven artifact, namely:

  • Face detector:
  • Mouth detector:
  • Nose detector:
  • Eye detector:
  • Ear detector:
  • Tracker filter:

The following sections provides information of the Java API provided by each NUBOMEDIA-VCA component.

Face, mouth, nose, eye and ear

All this filters have a similar API, for this reason, we are going to see all of them together.


This filter receives a stream of images as input. The output of the filter will be a collection of bounding boxes. Each bounding box represents the position of each face in the image. A bounding box is an area defined by two points. It is very important to highlight that this algorithm only detects front faces. Therefore, all the faces that are laterally focused will not be detected.

NuboMouthDetector , NuboNoseDetector, NuboEarDetector, NuboEyeDetector

As for mouth, nose, eye and ear detector, these filters receive a stream of images as input. The output of each filter will be a collection of bounding boxes. Each bounding box represents the position of each mouth,nose, eye and found in the image. These algorithms needs to detect previously the different faces included on the image, with the exception of the ear detector which have to detect the side of the face. The faces can be detected by its own, or can be received as an input.

The developers can use the following API for this filter:

void showX(int)
To show or hide the bounding boxes of the detected faces, mouths, ears, noses,
and eyes within the image.

Parameter’s value:
- 0 (default), the bounding boxes will not be shown.
- 1, the bounding boxes will be drawn in the frame
void detectByEvent(int)
To indicate to the algorithm if it must process all the images or only when
it receives a specific event such as motion detection.

Parameter’s value:
- 0 (default) , process all the frames;
- 1 , process a frame when it receives a specific event
void sendMetaData(int)
To send the bounding boxes of the faces, mouths, eyes noses and ears detected to
another ME as a metadata.

Parameter’s value:
- 0 (default) , metadata are not sent
- 1 , metadata are sent
void widthToProcess(int)
To indicate the width of the image that the algorithm is going to process to
another ME as a metadata.

Parameter’s value:
- 160 (default), 240, 320, 640
void processXevery4Frames(int)
To indicate the number of frames that the algorithm process every 4 frames.

Parameter’s value:
- 1, processes one image and discard 3 (8 fps)
- 2, processes two images and discard 2 (12 fps)
- 3, processes three images and discard 1 (18 fps)
- 4, processes four images (24 fps)
void setOverlayedImage(uri, float, float, float, float)
Sets the image to use as overlay on the detected element.

Parameter’s value:
- 1, URI where the image is located
- 2, the offset applied to the image, from the X coordinate of the detected element upper right corner
- 3, the offset applied to the image, from the Y coordinate of the detected element upper right corner
- 4, proportional width of the overlaid image, relative to the width of the detected element.
- 5, proportional height of the overlaid image, relative to the height of the detected element
void unsetOverlayedImage()
Clear the image to be shown over each detected face.

* showX can be depending on the algorithm: showFaces(int), showNoses(int), showMouths(int), showEyes(int), showEars(int).


The developers can use the following API for this filter:

void setVisualMode(int)
To show or hide the objects detected.

Parameter’s value:
- 0 (default), the bounding boxes will not be shown.
- 1, the bounding boxes will be drawn in the frame
void setThreshold(int)
To set up the minumum difference among pixels to consider motion

Parameter’s value:
- 0-255 (20 default)
void setMinArea(int)
To set up the minumum area to consider objects

Parameter’s value:
- 0 - 10000 (50 default)
void setMaxArea(int)
To set up the maximum area to consider objects

Parameter’s value:
- 0 - 300000 (30000 default)
void setDistance(int)
To set up the distance among object to merge them

Parameter’s value:
- 0 - 2000 (35 Default)